Our team deliver expert Therapy
All Therapy Solutions work with children, young people & families, adults and older people with physical disabilities, learning difficulties and disabilities & mental health and wellbeing.
The Therapists working in All Therapy Solutions are skilled in Housing Adaptations and Equipment, Workplace Based Assessments, Vocational Support and rehabilitation in the community. The Therapists have the knowledge of working in Neurology, Oncology & Palliative Care, Orthopaedic Trauma and Musculoskeletal Health, Rehabilitation/Reablement & Treatment.
All Therapy Solutions are experts in providing support for organisations and businesses to review, regenerate and reinvent services to meet the changing demands of society and the environment.
Our Services:
Assessments and Reviews
Independent Mobility Assessments
Care Activity Reviews (Single & Double Handed Care Reviews)
Manual Handling Assessments and Reviews
Residential/Care Home and Nursing Home Assessments and Reviews
Housing Needs Assessments
Equipment and Adaptation Evaluations
Day Opportunities Assessments and Reviews (Learning Disability & Older People)
Facilitating and Chairing Meetings
Presentations and Workshops
Development and Delivery of Training Packages
Supervision and Professional Support
Multidisciplinary Service Reviews & Evaluation
Effective Recruitment
Interim Management
Service Design and Implementation
Our Team
Rob Sach - Director (Occupational Therapist)
Rob qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 1992 at Dorset House in Oxford. He is a member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT).
Rob has gained a wealth of experience within adult care services and independent practices across the UK. Rob has worked throughout the health and social care spectrum, including being a Team Manager and latterly as Principal Occupational Therapist.
His effective leadership has inspired staff and provided vision and direction to the aims and objectives required to deliver the highest standards of performance and support in services for children, adults and older people.
Rob was nominated and shortlisted as Countrywide Occupational Therapist of the Year for the Royal College of Occupational Therapists and this achievement was recognised at the National Occupational Therapy Show 2018.
Rob consistently strives to demonstrate professional values and behaviours and is humanistic in his approach. Through many years of providing professional support, supervision and service development Rob has been able to lead and develop effective work forces that put the child/adult and their family and carers at the heart of services.
Rob has continued to work in professional practice to ensure his actions at the high levels are founded in relevant and person-centred practice.
Sam Payne - Director (Physiotherapist)
Sam qualified as a Physiotherapist in 2014 from the University of Cumbria, and since then he has worked in the public and private sector across core therapy areas including neurology, respiratory, elite sports, children’s, community and musculoskeletal. Sam is a member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) and has a specialist interest in moving and handling, with a membership to the National Back Exchange (NBE).
Sam has a keen interest in developing projects and services throughout the health and social care system, ensuring the service outcomes are in line with the needs of the individuals for who the service is designed. With a strong foundation in physical impairment/disability, and whilst currently practicing. Sam’s skills lie with ensuring projects, services and organisation’s governance guides the delivery of high quality, person-centred services.
It is the combination of practice expertise with strategic and commercial acumen that led to Sam’s a career combining joint Directorship of All Therapy Solutions Ltd with his role as Clinical Lead within a large Social Care organisation in East of England.
Zoe Barry - Occupational Therapist
Zoe qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2007 at the University of Northampton and is a member of the Health and Care Professions Council.
Zoe has worked in a variety of roles within adult social care settings throughout her career on both an employed and independent basis. Her roles have included working as a senior Occupational Therapist, piloting and delivering a number of double handed care review projects, training of staff both in adult social care and independent care staff and reablement. She has always strived to push occupational therapy to the forefront of any policy or practice changes believing firmly that occupational therapy is pivotal in providing the appropriate and necessary level of care and support to individuals.
Zoe has attended and presented at the Occupational Therapy National Conference, the OT Show and the Kings Fund Care Conference. She has also had several articles published within OT news on projects she has worked on including double handed care pilots and the introduction of adult social care OTs working alongside an ambulance service.
Zoe has a wealth of leadership experience and supervisory skills. She is passionate about ensuring services are delivered effectively and timely for the client and is approachable and professional in her manner.
Karen Marsh - Occupational Therapist
Karen qualified in 1992 as an Occupational Therapist at Dorset House in Oxford and is a member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) and British Association of Occupational Therapists (BAOT).
Karen commenced her career working in a National Spinal Injuries Centre supporting adults with complex injuries, completing comprehensive assessments and interventions focusing upon occupation and activity in response to goals and aspirations before moving into the Adult Social Care sector both on an employed and independent basis, specialising in the completion of person-centred assessments, working in partnership with statutory and non-statutory/ voluntary agencies with focused outcomes including progression of minor and major adaptations and equipment solutions, housing assessments, manual handling activities, complex case management, Karen also having experience in conducting Blue Badge assessments in a clinic-based setting.
Karen has also assumed a lead strategic management role in the development and delivery on behalf of a large Local Authority Leadership and Management accredited programmes, Occupational Therapy and Social Work professional qualifications and vocational social care provision including the design of tailored qualification provision for Occupational Therapy personnel. An innovative and resourceful professional, Karen has a consistent successful record of achieving high quality outcomes and targets which has included leading the service in its achievement of an “Outstanding” graded Ofsted Inspection and consistently exceeding local and national performance indicators for the retention and successful qualification achievement of VRQ and NVQ learners. Karen herself holds NVQ Assessor and Internal Verifier Awards and successfully achieved her NVQ Level 5 Learning and Developmentqualification and has actively undertaken a lead role in both the management, supervision and induction of staff and students, including those undertaking their Occupational Therapy qualification, Karen also actively involved in the delivery of quality assurance and case audit activities.
Karen is a dedicated and accomplished practitioner who actively seeks feedback from others and undertakes every opportunity to engage in continuous development programmes of learning with commitment to enhancing ongoing performance and quality.
Charisse Cartwright - Occupational Therapist
Charisse started her career in 2005 working as a support worker with adults with learning disabilities. She then found Occupational Therapy and started a role as an Occupational Therapy Assistant within a local authority. She then went on to complete her BSc in Occupational Therapy and has since enjoyed over 10 years as a clinician within both the health and social care sectors.
She is a member of the Health Professionals Council (HCPC) and Royal College of Occupational Therapists.
Charisse is a highly skilled OT providing specialist assessments and interventions to adults with a multitude of disabilities. She has extensive experience of working within both community and inpatient rehabilitation settings and more recently furthering her skills working within a local authority setting. Charisse aims to help her client’s regain their independence and enable them to achieve their goals by providing high quality treatment programmes. She is equipped to assess and treat clients with a range of injuries and conditions that include those of a complex nature. In addition, she has a specialist interest in falls prevention, pressure ulcer prevention and positioning and utilises evidence based practice to ensure best possible outcomes are achieved.
Charisse maintains active professional development through her membership with the Royal College of Occupational Therapists. She also regularly attends conferences and exhibitions and has undertaken several service improvement projects that include leading on an innovation project to gain funding to introduce the Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Activities (RITA) to the inpatient ward. An initiative to increase activity & experience for those with cognitive impairment during their hospital stay.
Simmi Goyal - Occupational Therapist
Simmi qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2002 and is a member of the Health and Care Professions Council.
Simmi has worked in a variety of roles in both Health and Social Care settings, specialising in areas such as stroke rehabilitation, mental health, palliative care and social services. She is passionate about her work, assisting adults to achieve their goals, so that they can live healthy and productive lives.
Born and brought up in India, Simmi speaks Hindi, Punjabi Urdu and English.
Hannah Westwood - Paediatric Occupational Therapist
Hannah qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2006 from the University of East Anglia. She is a member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT).
After qualifying, Hannah started her career working with adults with learning disabilities. In 2008 she began working as a Community Paediatric Occupational Therapist and still works within this area. Hannah works with children from 0-19 years, many of whom have a wide range of physical and learning needs, including conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, co-ordination difficulties, developmental delay. The role includes enabling children to participate in everyday life, the assessment and provision of specialist equipment within homes and educational settings, providing advice for children with sensory processing difficulties and providing therapy interventions for children with neurological disorders. Hannah also works within Social Care, carrying out assessments of home environments for equipment, adaptations and manual handling with both children and adults.
Hannah has undergone training using the ‘MAES Approach’ (Movement Analysis and Educational Strategies) which is a specialist treatment approach for children with neuro-developmental conditions. She also has a specialist interest in the assessment and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and is an ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule) trained assessor, working as part of a multidisciplinary assessment team.
Hannah is passionate about ensuring services are person-centred and holistic. She understands the importance of joint working with the service user and their family/carers, as well as other professionals involved.
Yasmin Adam - Occupational Therapist
Yasmin is a newly qualified occupational therapist who graduated from London Southbank University. Yasmin worked in the community and in acute hospital settings, specifically with the elderly, orthopedic, and neurological patients, prior too and during her Occupational Therapy Studies. Yasmin has also worked in mental health, specifically with psychosis patients, and in a pediatric setting with children who have complex needs.
Yasmin is passionate about assisting clients in achieving their goals to improve their quality of life.
Yasmin prioritizes putting clients and their needs at the forefront of occupational therapy services, ensuring that individuals can live independently at home with appropriate support.
Yasmin is fluent in Somali and English.
Chloe Ward - Occupational Therapist
Chloe graduated from the University of Essex in 2022 as an Occupational Therapist.
Since graduating, Chloe has worked for the NHS in a Paediatric Learning Disabilities Team. The role involved leading therapeutic interventions for children between the ages of 5-18 with moderate-severe learning disabilities. Chloe was involved in leading clinical assessments covering Essex, which focused on sensory integration techniques, behaviour management, emotional wellbeing sessions and relationships and sex education.
Chloe currently works for Essex County Council in an Early Intervention Team providing assessment and intervention for both major and minor adaptations and equipment for adults and older people with physical and mental health impairments, and learning difficulties.
Prior to graduating Chloe has had experience working in a primary school supporting children with learning disabilities. She also worked with adults with learning disabilities in supported living to assist with access to the community and engage in activities of daily living.
Chloe has completed 200 hours of yoga teacher training and is now qualified to teach yoga to adults with physical and mental health impairments.
Chloe has volunteered in a number of environments such as elderly homes, primary schools, coaching sporting activities, and providing support for a local homeless charity.
Kirsty Green - Occupational Therapist
Kirsty has been working in Social Care for 4 years whilst completing her Degree in Occupational Therapy, which she passed in 2023 with 1st Class Honours. She is a member of HCPC and Royal College of Occupational Therapy.
Throughout her studies, Kirsty worked in a reablement role in the community, as well as Independent work in Social Care. It is this experience that has built a passion for delivering high-quality person centred care.
Kirsty now works in Social Care Department for All Therapy Solutions as well as working in Mental Health for the NHS, allowing her to combine her knowledge, skills and expertise in both physical and non-physical impairments and function.
Prior to her studies, Kirsty worked abroad in destinations such as Mexico and Costa Rica. It was helping guests with disabilities access once in a lifetime excursions that encouraged her to pursue a career in Occupational Therapy.
Amber Stafford - Physiotherapist
Amber gained her BSc in Physiotherapy from the University of Essex in 2014 and initially working as a rotational Physiotherapist gaining experience in all specialisms including musculoskeletal, orthopaedics, intensive care, neurology and medical, before deciding to specialise. Amber went on to complete her MSc in Veterinary Physiotherapy at the University of Hartpury in 2021.
Amber balances her time between working as a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and First Contact Practitioner in the NHS alongside working as a Human and Veterinary Physiotherapist in the private market.
Amber is highly skilled and uses her knowledge and wealth of experience to assess and treat a wide range of musculoskeletal and orthopaedic conditions as well as sporting injuries, using evidence- based treatments to enhance recovery and achieve the best possible patient outcomes.
In her spare time, Amber enjoys competing in showjumping competitions and functional fitness competitions, enabling her to relate her knowledge and skills closely to people seeking rehabilitation towards their goals.
Kayleigh Reardon- Occupational Therapist
Kayleigh completed her Undergraduate degree in Psychology whilst living in Sydney, Australia. Upon returning to the UK Kayleigh completed a Masters in Occupational Therapy at London South Bank University qualifying in 2015.
Since then Kayleigh has largely been working in mental health and learning disability, forensic services, perinatal mental health and rough sleepers mental health teams.
Kayleigh has always had a keen interest in physical health developing a programme for healthy fitness and lifestyle and was granted a national award for her work on the integration of physical and mental health.
Kayleigh commenced work with All Therapy Solutions to further refine her skills as an Occupational Therapist and be a well rounded clinician considering both physical and mental health needs and their impact on daily occupations.